How to sell on amazon for beginners?

There is a step-by-step guide for every process whether to make an email ID, to make a social media account, or even to register yourself as a citizen in any country. Similarly to become a business owner you have to follow certain protocols to register yourself as one.
This blog is specially designed for the one who is a newbie and wants to become a seller on amazon. We are aiming to guide you step by step on how you can start your own eCommerce on amazon.
So without wasting any time let’s get started.
Making a Plan
First and foremost you have to make sure you are going on the right path. In order to do that you have to do thorough market research, set your business mission, and decide on a proper product analysis and financial budget.
Find your Niche
After thorough research, you have to decide what products you are going to sell. This niche will decide whether it will be profitable or not, will it stay trendy for a while or stay evergreen, what kind of impact will put on the mind of the customers and other important factors will decide whether it will give you significant revenue or not.
It is advised to select the products based on the season and fragility of the item.
Recognize your Supplier
In this part, you have to understand which supplier has the potential to fulfill your product unit requirements. In case you are the manufacturer you can ignore this part, but for the ones who are starting out you can look for websites like who can fulfill your order in bulk.
If you are not satisfied with the option you can go on google and find your ideal manufacturer who can provide you the quality products, low shipping charges, best prices, etc. This part mainly covers the market research.
Place your Orders
Now that you have decided on your supplier, it’s time to place your order. It is advised not to go for a large order but for small ones. Use this small order to get feedback and test your targeted customers.
Remember to stay in touch with your supplier and always check the quality of the product you are delivering to avoid any unhappy customer.
Registering yourself as a seller on Amazon
In order to sell on amazon, you need a seller’s account. This marketplace offers two types of accounts first is an individual seller and the other is a pro account. In the individual account, you will charge 0$ a month but you have to pay a dollar for every sale in the pro account you will charge 39$ per month.
So here you have the flexibility to choose according to your needs.
In order to register, you need necessary documents like GST number, business address ID, individual identification, business phone number for verification, and other important information that will be mentioned on the screen.
Create your Product List
Now that you have set your account, it’s time to list the product on your account. It is advised to optimize the products you are listing by including high-resolution images, stating out proper details with rich content, and giving some insight about the products in bullet points. Here you have to focus on making the product more appealing.
Manage your Inventory
While selling you have to pay special attention to the inventory. Keeping track of inventory level is extremely important. If you are unable to keep a proper track, you might face a situation where you might be out of that specific product and won’t be able to deliver the item the customer is asking for. This affects your brand image and hampers customer’s loyalty to some levels.
To manage your inventory you can use an efficient inventory management system that can also offer multiple features that can help your business smoothly.
Act on your Customer Feedback
It is necessary to make necessary changes according to your customer’s feedback. These feedbacks will help you recognize the gaps in your business plans and plan efficiently to generate significant revenue for your business.
These testimonials can turn out to be social proof that your products or services are authentic and are of good quality.
Amazon is one of the most profitable eCommerce marketplaces and if you are planning to start your business, we believe this is the right time to get in. Hopefully, you might have understood the path to start your online business. All the best in your future endeavors.